Talius™ SmartCare – Harness the Power of AI and Sensor Technology

Enabling Health and Aged Care Providers to Operate Safer, Smarter and More Profitably

Industries Talius Helps

Home Care

Ageing in place

Retirement Villages

Emergency response remote patient monitoring

Residential Aged Care Facilities

Nurse call resident monitoring

Hospital in the Home

Emergency response remote patient monitoring

The Challenge

Finding a Trusted Partner for your Digital Transformation

The days of trying to manage health and aged care management and compliance through spreadsheets or on paper are over. The risk of human error is too great, the lack of integration is self-defeating, the safety and compliance risks too high, and the frustration it causes staff and families is too damaging when there is a better way — using digital transformation to unlock the power of accurate and timely data.

When we talk about the future of aged care, we’re not looking into a crystal ball hoping to see what might happen in 20 years. We’re talking about how the present-day sector implements systems in preparation for what’s next, we’re talking about transforming your business for the digital age and beyond and finding a trusted partner for that journey can be challenging.

Technology Systems Australia

The Solution

Digital Transformation Planning

We know that finding a trusted partner for your digital transformation journey can be daunting, and we are here to help.
Take the first step with Talius.

Why Talius

Talius SmartCare Platform

When you partner with Talius, you have a platform at your fingertips that aggregates data from all devices and technology in one place, giving you the data insights, control and visibility required to improve all aspects of your business in a way that’s scalable and adaptable, even when standards and care needs change.

How Talius Helps

Challenges We Solve

When it comes to health and aged care, there are 5 big challenges facing providers in the Asia Pacific region.
Talius can help you overcome these challenges and take the next step on your digital transformation journey.

The Platform

How Talius Works


Autonomous data collection via sensors and emerging technologies.


The data is aggregated within the Talius platform, which uses AI to provide ‘one source of truth’ – a continuous stream of accurate information about health status and well-being.


Talius uses advanced predictive interpretation to automatically detect anomalies and complete proportional actions.

Technology Systems Australia

Talius will give you a Competitive Advantage

You get a platform that grows with you – scalable and adaptable, even when regulatory standards, technology, or your customer’s care need change.

You get data to support you – accurate data at your fingertips to support you and your team to make the right decisions for your business and your customers.

You get a partner that is committed to the long-term – we work with you to co-design the right solution and help you navigate the milestones on your digital transformation journey.


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