About Talius

Our Purpose Is To Elevate Quality Of Care Through Data And Technology

Our Story

The Origins of Talius

The Talius Platform was initially developed with a very simple goal in mind; to help older Australians age in place longer through technology.

Beginning as HSC Technology Group in 2016, we have evolved through the years to focus on the SmartCare Platform itself, rebranding to Talius Group in 2023. With this rebrand came a shift in our understanding — to truly achieve our goal of making sure our loved ones receive the care that they need, we needed to empower care providers and help guide them on how they transition to data-enabled care.

Technology is changing the world around us, but is no replacement for the human touch when it comes to providing care. We understand that starting your digital transformation journey and implementing new technologies can be difficult, and the paradigm shift from reactive care to sense-respond care, and ultimately predictive care is going to be a massive challenge. So we act as your technology partner as you embark on this “data-led” journey, working with you every step of the way to understand your goal, co-design a change plan with you, and give you the support of a whole team of clinicians, change management experts, engineers and project managers to help you implement it.

Ultimately, our purpose is to empower care providers to achieve better outcomes with transformative technology and data insights that help them focus on what really matters: delivering excellent care.

Our Purpose

Elevate Quality of Care Through Data and Technology

At Talius we are driven by the underlying purpose of empowering care providers to elevate quality of care through data and technology. We do this by using data insights to shift from reactive care to sense-respond care and ultimately predictive care.

Because we believe:

Aged Care Technology Solutions

Our Approach

A Trusted Partner on Your Digital Transformation Journey

We understand that starting your digital transformation journey and implementing new technologies can be difficult. Talius acts as your technology partner as you embark on this journey, working with you every step of the way to understand your goal and then co-designing a solution with you to achieve it.

The Talius Smart Care Platform is backed by our team of clinicians, engineers, project managers and change coordinators who ensure that you are aggregating the right data, and it is presented in simple, customisable and easy-to-access dashboards — personalised to the needs of the viewer, whether they are a family member, care provider or an executive.

With Talius as your partner, it is time to embrace the digital future and optimise your operations, empower your team and provide quality outcomes for customers.

Your Digital Transformation Journey

How Talius Helps

The Big 5 Challenges Facing Care Providers

When it comes to health and aged care, there are five big challenges facing providers in the Asia Pacific region. Talius can help you overcome these challenges and take the next step on your digital transformation journey.

  • Ensuring safety and reduction of risk
  • Meeting key legislative requirements
  • Having essential information and reports at your fingertips to use as evidence

  • Increasing revenue and reducing costs from avoidable incidents
  • Maintaining a competitive advantage in the face of newer facilities and stock
  • Having workforce efficiency

  • Retaining quality staff and reducing churn
  • Training of existing staff
  • Managing sub-contractor costs
  • Providing continuity of care

  • Providing timely communications with family, decision makers, and staff
  • Improving the continuity of care
  • Ensuring prioritisation and escalation

  • Maintaining quality standards and star rating
  • Receiving quality reviews from customer surveys
  • Improving brand reputation and industry profile
  • Ensuring positive local word-of-mouth

The Solution

The Talius Advantage

The Talius team and SmartCare Platform can help you solve these Big 5 Challenges using artificial intelligence and human intelligence. We work with you to adapt the platform to you and your customers needs.

With Talius…

Aged Care Technology Solutions

Talius in Action

Our Partner Experiences with Talius

Don’t take our word for it. See our partners’ experiences with Talius.

Our Executive Team

Talius Board of Directors