Talius SmartCare Platform

AI-powered, Sensor-enabled Platform that Enables Health and Aged Care Providers to Operate Safer, Smarter, and More Profitably.

A Care Revolution

Use Data Insights to Elevate Your Care

Talius SmartCare is an evolution for Health and Aged Care that will turn into a revolution.

Technology is changing the world around us, and the health and aged care sectors need to evolve or be left behind.

The Talius SmartCare Platform and the Talius team can help you accelerate your digital transformation journey and will be there with you to guide you along your path to becoming future-ready.

We believe that data-based insights are the key to overcoming the many challenges facing care providers across the APAC region, whether they be regulatory compliance, financial sustainability, workforce, or managing risk and reputation. Our autonomous Talius platform aggregates this data in one source of truth, providing an abundance of accurate information in easily accessible and customised dashboards while also triggering any key actions required to ensure timely and meaningful care.

Think of Talius as your partner on this digital transformation journey in helping you identify the data needed, the changes required, and the processes to help you elevate your quality of care through data and technology.

The Platform

Advantages of Talius SmartCare

We’ve created a platform that unites all devices and technology in one place, integrates seamlessly with emerging technologies, and gives you the control and visibility required to improve all aspects of your business – from staff and customer safety to improved team utilisation and happier families – in a way that’s scalable and adaptable, even when regulatory standards, technology, or your customer’s care needs change.

The Talius platform goes beyond simple alerts, being the only system that provides value by:

  1. Accurately sensing what’s going on, as often as every three seconds.
  2. Processing real-time data at scale, then immediately triaging.
  3. Connecting with the most appropriate next action.

Drucker said, “What gets measured gets managed.” So, we help you take the fear and complexity out of data and reporting, so it serves you and supports you in managing your organisation.

Talius will work with your team to identify the measures that matter for you and the decisions that you need to make and give you the right data at the right time to support you and your team in data-driven decisions and insights.

We know that good things take time and can only be built on the foundations of trust, partnership, and aligned outcomes. So, we take a long view on ensuring not only that you get the best outcome, but you get the best results from the platform with staff adoption, useful reporting, and actionable outcomes.

When you partner with Talius today, you can be confident that we’ll be standing alongside you every step of your digital transformation journey as we work towards better care outcomes for all of tomorrow.

The Platform

How Talius Works

The customised Talius AI analysis uses predicative interpretation and monitors a broad range of indicators such as sleep, vital signs, falls, activities of daily living and social interaction. Data can trigger proactive alerts through the platform to deliver proportionate actions to carers, clinical, emergency services and management teams informing care planning and crucial decision-making. It is proven to minimise the risk to consumers while supporting compliance and clinical governance.

Talius SmartCare

The Platform

Talius Features

Talius provides many features and benefits to help care providers operate safer, smarter and more profitably.
Contact us to book a free Partner Engagement consultation or to schedule a free demonstration of the platform.