HSC Arrest Cardiac Technology



  • HSC receives TGA for the new CardiacSense Solution
  • HSC approved to start marketing and sales in Australia and New Zealand
  • HSC extending its Talius Platform into the broader healthcare market


A big thanks to The Market Bull for the news feature on HSC Technology Group getting sales approval for new smart wrist devices offering precise electrocardiogram monitoring.


HSC Technology Group (ASX: HSC) has received Therapeutic Goods Approval for selling the company’s powerful CardiacSense heart-monitoring watch in Australia and New Zealand.

The Australia/New Zealand first-of-its-kind device includes precise detection of atrial fibrillation by continuous photoplethysmography signal providing an integrative platform end to end solution for hypertension solution for users.

Australia has an estimated 4 million people with hypertension, and with over 60 per cent undetected, it offers physicians and specialists an easy solution to address a ticking issue.

Read the full article here: https://themarketbull.com.au/2022/05/09/hsc-arrest-cardiac-technology/?no_cache=1652071763

Find out how Talius and CardiacSense can help you, call us at 1300 889 838, or email us at [email protected].