HSC Technology: Year-in-Review


What a year, 2023

New World, learning to adapt to COVID. We’ve had fires, floods, wars, supply chains, and inflation. It’s definitely been a challenging year for everyone involved.

We have obviously at HSC Technology had a bit of a slow start to the year as the aged care sector came out of the grips of the COVID pandemic. We were very excited, though, to share that we hit our first 10,000 subscriptions, early in the year.

The great thing though, about obviously any benefit of COVID, was that technology was really highlighted and the benefits that it can actually help in the aged care sector. Across our verticals in home care and retirement villages, residential aged care, and health care, we saw a number of improvements across the business. In the home care and retirement village spaces, we were very fortunate to continue the rollout with ADT. Also a new partnership with Tunstall. We were glad that Bolton Clark was able to finish all of their retirement village upgrade across all of their sites nationally. We also were great to see the completion of all of the Anglicare New South Wales upgrades in our new partnership with Telstra, IoT and Sapio. Feros Care is also in the midst of finishing their upgrades. And also we were really excited to have the new partnership with VitalCall, a part of the Chubb group. And they have just started to take on their first order of 5000 units which will be starting to be installed in the new year.

Finally with that is that we were obviously exceptionally over the moon with the result of securing the partnership with LendLease retirement. LendLease retirement is the largest provider in Australia, with over 75 sites and 16,000 apartments. And we’ve already started very quickly in the last couple of months rolling in a number of villages with our installation partner Alert Tech. And we’ve started the initial installation of 5,000 units and then next year moving into the next 10,000 throughout the year. One of our new reseller partners, NCIS have also secured and installed their first retirement village with Shoreline on the east coast, which has been a great success. So across the whole of the home care and village area, we’ve been really happy with the progress throughout the year.

In our residential aged care division, we have seen tremendous progress throughout the year through our research and development but also through our partnerships. ACH in South Australia is still one of our premier partners. And we’ve successfully finished the installation of Kippara, Yankalilla, West Park. And we’re nearing the completion of Perry Park, Milperra, Highercombe, Vita, and we were very fortunate to win their new flagship project Healthia, which is a new state-of-the-art residential aged care facility in the new home design. They’ll be integrating all of our technology across that space. Also, then in Victoria we’re really excited to finish our first major project with Australian Unity, handing over Walmsley in Kilsyth. That’s a new state-of-the-art 120-bed facility, and they’ve taken the full Talius™ stack. And it’s been great to get some of the feedback and we’ll be looking forward to showing you some videos and highlights of that in the new year.

Albert Road, which is the second project with Australian Unity has been progressing really well. I think we’re up to the 15th storey of the 18-storey building, and that will be nearing completion in the new year. We’re also really excited to be working with some new reseller partners that have been doing some rollouts, E-Homecare has completed and finalised their project at the Finley. And also we’ve just started the installation with IO Tech at Lee Place. And that’s been going really well. And also to Pro-Spark one of our new partners in Victoria, who has finished their installation at Heritage aged care.

As I mentioned, one of the benefits of technology is how it can obviously improve in aged care has also been highlighted in remote patient monitoring. We see in the New Years an opportunity for us to move into the healthcare space, and actually supporting primary health networks with remote patient monitoring solutions. We see how the Essence Care@Home and the Vital On new solution with monitoring vital signs. And also we’re really excited with the TGA approval of the CardiacSense, which is the first continuous ambulatory Heart Rate Monitor solution in Australia.

We see that this technology integrated back into the Talius™ platform provides an opportunity for primary healthcare providers to look after clients in the community. And also, you know, monitoring their well-being.

So we’re really excited also with our partnership with CSIRO releasing their new safer, smarter homes algorithm and how it’s on the DAX report, and how the clinical trials showed some positive outcomes of how the utilisation of technology can improve the well-being and the health metrics of their clients in community care. And now that was one of the first projects that we’ve been able to roll out with St. John’s home in Singapore. We were fortunate to have the president of Singapore actually open that facility with us last month. And they were extremely impressed with the way that we could collect autonomous data from each resident and how we can present that to the care teams to have a better insight into their well-being.

We also have had some great success with the SleepSense. Particularly ACH has seen the benefits of how their remote patient monitoring of in-bed and out-of-bed heart rate vital signs is absolutely helping with their reduction in falls, and their support to residents. But while still respecting their privacy. We’ve got some numerous trials with other providers with the SleepSense solution and we’re really looking forward to expanding into residential aged care in the new year.

We’re also really excited about our partnership with Uniper. Uniper is our new IPTV social solution, we see that our technology is obviously allowing people to stay at home longer. But we’re also aware of the social isolation that they suffer, you know, and this Uniper solution allows us to communicate to the residents through their TV, web or mobile phone device, and actually how we can connect and communicate. So not just on a telehealth aspect, but on a social aspect of communicating with family and friends, and also associated health providers.

Lastly, is that we’re looking forward to introducing our new fall call in Trelawear solution in the new year. This is a new jewellery to base device that actually provides support to our clients in the community. So when they press that alert, we’ll activate their smartphone and then open up a two-way voice with their location so we can actually triage support for them.

So it’s been a big year. I’m really, really excited with the results that we’ve achieved underneath the challenging conditions. The team has just, you know, blown me away and I’m really excited to have this group that are really engaged and passionate about what we’re doing and the purpose that we’re trying to achieve. So thank you everyone for your support. We’re very grateful and we’re really looking forward to working with you more in the new year.