HSC’s CardiacSense wearable – the first TGA-approved medical watch in Australia


The first cost-effective post-treatment solution

Australia has an estimated 4 million people with hypertension. With over 60% undetected, this product is a simple and easy way for specialists and physicians to provide an easy to wear proactive solution and with the back-up of our Talius Platform – the future of aged care technology, plus the 24hr response, we can offer the first end to end solution.

We have had significant interest from the Cardiology sector who have shared their excitement recognising this is also the first cost-effective post-treatment solution that will allow ongoing and continuous monitoring for their clients and the opportunity to provide better ongoing health outcomes.

HSC Technology Group is the exclusive partner with CardiacSense in Australia and New Zealand

Introducing CardiacSense, an all-in-one medical watch, an innovative wrist-worn medical-grade vital signs long-term, continuous, and comfortable monitoring solution for in-hospital, postdischarge and home hospitalization, ambulatory and on-the-move usage.

HSC Technology Group is the exclusive partner with CardiacSense in Australia and New Zealand following an extensive development process and clinical trials. HSC is the first and only company to receive TGA certification for continuous PPG wristband monitoring at the individual heartbeat level and arrhythmia detection, a milestone that will enable HSC to provide proactive health monitoring to the Australian and New Zealand market.

It enables accurate and comfortable patient monitoring without the need to implant invasive cardiac monitors

CardiacSense has been developed from the ground up as an enterprise-grade medical device for continuous measurement of heart rate and arrhythmias at ECG-level accuracy. The medical indications certified include detection of Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib), and monitoring of Heart Rate Variability (HRV), with continuous Photoplethysmography (PPG) and spot Electrocardiogram (ECG).

It enables accurate and comfortable patient monitoring without the need to implant invasive cardiac monitors – a prevalent experience for patients experiencing arrhythmias. Data from 2 clinical trials reviewed by the TGA demonstrated accurate detection of A-Fib by continuous PPG of over 99%. In parallel, CardiacSense has launched clinical trials to receive regulatory certification for additional vital signs including continuous respiratory rate, core temperature, oxygen saturation, blood pressure and other arrhythmias.

Talius Platform + CardiacSense data

HSC Technology Group has integrated the CardiacSense data into the HSC Talius Platform to enable emergency response and remote patient monitoring, providing a key element for an end to end solution of 24hr support. HSC sees this new offering as a continuation of the Talius IoT data collection processing and the entry of HSC into the healthcare industry.

It also further demonstrates the flexibility and power of our Talius Platform which enables sensor data collection, analysis and presentation to the end-user. We see CardiacSense as a natural evolution beyond our existing Aged Care focus.

To see our medical alarms or emergency alarms available, visit our products page.


Find out how Talius and CardiacSense can help you and your business, call us at 1300 889 838, or email us at [email protected].