How Radars are Revolutionising Fall Prevention in Aged Care Home


As Oscar Wilde once said, “With age comes wisdom…” However, age also increases the risk of falls and fall-related injuries. Older adults who suffer significant injuries from falls are at increased risk of becoming depressed and experiencing worsening health outcomes. In Australia, falls are the leading cause of injury, hospitalisation, and death, posing a serious issue for those who live alone or in aged care facilities.

To ensure the safety of older adults, monitoring their activity around the clock is essential. Fortunately, technology has developed innovative ways to ensure their safety even without always having someone by their bedside. One way is through radars, which are inexpensive yet highly effective at detecting when a person is about to fall over and sending an alert before they hit the ground.

Radars can be placed anywhere, from the corner of a room to doors, lamps, or even ceiling fans, due to their non-intrusive nature. With the help of innovative technology, these radars can also be partnered with other devices in an intelligent platform for monitoring the health status of the elderly.

And with the advent of machine learning (AI), it’s also possible to monitor falls and other vital information regarding the elderly’s health 24/7, like when a resident is getting out of bed or leaving the house. With a powerhouse of knowledge, healthcare providers can be notified in real-time if something is amiss, enabling them to take action quickly.

By tracking movement patterns, it’s possible to detect when a fall has occurred, even if no witnesses or no one else was around to help. This noninvasive monitoring of residents’ activity levels is an effective way to monitor their movements. It allows residents to maintain their independence and dignity while receiving the necessary care. They will feel more comfortable, and caregivers can provide the best level of support.

False alarms are also much more easily filtered out with the help of new technology. Before, alarms could be triggered by objects falling or the device dropping. Now, devices can tell the difference and monitor actual falls, helping eliminate false alarms and providing the user and caregiver peace of mind.

Early detection of potential falls can reduce the risk of injury and prevent falls. In this way, residents can avoid severe injuries and hospitalisations, which significantly impact their quality of life.

And with the help of innovative devices like Talius’ LifePod Personal Mobile Alarm System, falls detection is more reliable and efficient than ever before. LifePod’s sophisticated sensors provide added security for individuals when assistance is required.

When a potential fall is detected, an alarm can be triggered by pressing the dedicated SOS button for 2 seconds, confirmed by a voice prompt and device vibration. This allows for timely intervention and can help prevent serious injury.

As the need for aged care continues to grow, we must explore innovative technologies such as radar technology to ensure older adults’ safety, security, and well-being.

Radar technology facilitates fall prevention and allows care providers to provide tailored, personalised experiences for their clients — making aging in place a more achievable reality. By equipping care providers with the right tools and resources to do their job effectively and efficiently, we can help ensure that older adults receive the quality care they need and deserve.

Ultimately, technology should empower our older adults to maintain their independence and autonomy as they age — and this is something that radar technology can help us achieve.

So what are you waiting for? Get ahead of the game and learn more about Talius and its innovations for the aged care industry today!