Staff Engagement & Retention in Aged Care


Staff Engagement and Retention is currently the biggest challenge in Aged Care and we are in crisis. This problem will not go away unless we make some significant changes.

With increased compliance and a diminishing skilled workforce, we are heading towards the cliff of litigation and cost blowouts. Carers departing often mention fatigue and burnout, more tedious manual processes and paperwork, and a heightened internal blame culture.

But technology can help and with the right technology, we can help existing staff, and attract new staff by relieving paperwork requirements, removing mundane repetitive processes, and allowing providers to care for more people with less staff plus increasing compliance. Care teams can focus more on their purpose and what they’re best at – caring for people. It’s one of the ways we can help build engagement and culture in your organisation.

Maximise staff utilisation by removing unnecessary repetition to increase job satisfaction, productivity, etc. If you are dealing with a diminishing workforce and carers burned out because of the mundane repetitive processes, tedious manual processes and paperwork.

It is already being used by the best in the business. With the right technology such as Talius, it will help maximise staff utilisation and remove unnecessary repetition to increase satisfaction.



Watch the 2nd episode of our Aged Care’s Big 5 Challenges webinar to see a demonstration of Talius and understand how this enabling technology will help maximise staff utilisation and remove unnecessary repetition to increase satisfaction.

Find out why and more on how HSC’s Talius™ Smart Care Platform – the future of aged care technology is your solution for staff engagement and retention challenges. Call us at 1300 889 838, or email us at [email protected]